Monday, August 9, 2010

Pin Hole Cameras

Weekend Batch

I introduced the idea of PHOTO-GRAPHY being LIGHT-WRITING.

I want the kids to start looking at photography not as work, but a language in itself. Something like Hindi or Marathi, explaining to them that the same way they use words to express themselves in a language, light writing is a new language and they can use images to express themselves.

In order for them to understand how this light works, I decided that getting them to make their own pin hole cameras would be a fun exercise, during which, the basic details of the colors Black and White can be explained.

Also, the fact that images are seen by the eye up-side-down and the brain then flips it. The pin hole camera is the best way to explain this fact!

We opened up old cartons found easily at the store nearby and started creating the cameras in groups.

Painting the inside of the box black, to understand how black doesn't reflect light and hence will help in capturing a clearer image.

Clearly I am unable to manage the enthusiasm with which these children respond to the activites. They were very amused by the masking tape and decided it would look good on my face. I guess, their sense of aesthetics is very different from mine!

Masking the box with duct tape so that no light escapes through tiny crevices. 

Each group had to come up with a name for themselves. Are you as surprised as I was?

The proud Camera Manufacturers!